PMU-USTH coordinated with the Architecture and Design Competition Firm (Phase Eins Company, Gemarny) to organize the Pre-Proposal Conference for Package of “Architectural Design Consultancy for Construction of University of Science and Technology of Ha Noi”. The Conference aimed to provide the detailed and sufficient information for 06 selected consultants in the shortlist for the USTH’s construction, characteristics of Project area in Hoa Lac High Tech Park and to respond all questions of bidders after they received Request for Proposal, in order to motivate for their best entry’s completion in the Architecture and Design Competition expected to take place in the end of 2014.
The participants of Conference were representatives of MOET; ADB specialists; French Embassy; UIU-USTH; the Board of management and consultants from PMU-USTH
PMU-USTH coordinated with the Architecture and Design Competition Firm (Phase Eins Company, Gemarny) to organize the Pre-Proposal Conference for Package of “Architectural Design Consultancy for Construction of University of Science and Technology of Ha Noi”. The Conference aimed to provide the detailed and sufficient information for 06 selected consultants in the shortlist for the USTH’s construction, characteristics of Project area in Hoa Lac High Tech Park and to respond all questions of bidders after they received Request for Proposal, in order to motivate for their best entry’s completion in the Architecture and Design Competition expected to take place in the end of 2014.
The participants of Conference were representatives of MOET; ADB specialists; French Embassy; UIU-USTH; the Board of management and consultants from PMU-USTH